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The journey so far 

Equine Hygiene UK was founded in 2018, although Liz began to hone her skills many years before then following training from her veterinary surgeon, initially to help one of her horses relieve a chronic tail rubbing problem.  Liz graduated from Keele University in 1995 and went on to complete a post graduate course at the University of Liverpool before embarking upon a successful teaching career spanning over two decades, but it wasn't until 2018 that Liz realised that her true calling lay in helping to relieve the suffering of horses caused by poor genital hygiene.  Liz is passionate about her work and has a dedicated following on her Facebook group Equine Hygiene UK which she uses to educate horse owners about the benefits of effective sheath and mare hygiene, as well as to share fascinating and often shocking posts about her day to day findings.

About: About
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